Security. (Click on any picture for an enlargement)
In a perfect world, everyone
else would respect your privacy, property and domain. Unfortunately
we live in an imperfect world, and that's why the townhouse has
been fitted with a reliable state-of-the-art alarm system, using
quality DAS components which keep false alarms to a minimum.
Security system keypad
Passive infrared detector (PIR)
External siren & strobe
Smoke detector
Warning stickers have been
put up outside the windows to let would-be intruders that such
an alarm has been installed. Insurance company experience has
shown that alarms generally discourages potential burglars, with
the result that they would go try their luck elsewhere. After
all, would you want to be breaking into a house with the alarm
screaming, and people in several houses in the same complex looking
at you?
As well as that, we have installed
deadlocks on all external doors; these locks cannot be opened
without a key. And just for good measure, we have installed security
film, security grills and keylocks on windows too.